kaNNAr kadal

kaNNAr kadal
thirunAngur thiruppathi 11: 10. thiruveLLakkuLam

kaNNAr kaDal pOl tirumEnikariyAi
naNNAr munai venrikoLvAr mannu nAngoor |
tiNNAr madiLSoozh tiruveLLakkuLattuL
aNNA aDiyEn iDarai kaLaiyAyE ||

This divya dESa is popularly called aNNan kOyil. The name tiruveLLakkuLam is the name because of the puShkariNi (tank) of the same name.

Oh! kaNNa! My aNNA! You have decided to reside in this divya dESa where there are vaidikas who are powerful enough to drive the enemies away in the battle. This is the city surrounded by beautiful forts. Oh! kaDal vaNNA! Please remove my samsAra duhKa.

kondAr tuLavamalar koNDaNivAnE
nandAda perumpuhazh vEdiyar nAngoor |
SendAmarai neer tiruveLLakkuLattuL
endAi aDiyEn iDarai kaLaiyAyE ||

emberumAn! You wear tuzhasi mAla that has lots of bunches of tuzhasi flowers with honey in them. endAi! You should remove my samsAra duhKa as You reside in tiruveLLakkuLam in order to be easy of approach by Baktas. The city is beautiful with lotus ponds that enhances the fame ahead exists by the presence of vaidikas.

kunrAl kuLirmAri taDuttu uhandAnE
nanrAya perum puhazh vEdiyar nAngoor |
SenrAr vANangum tiruveLLakkuLattuL
ninrAi neDiyAi aDiyEn iDarneekkE ||

emberumAn! You prevented the onslaught of rain from harming the people and cattle of AyarpADi by lifting the gOvardhana mountain for seven days continuously. You feel happy when Your aDiyArs feel happy. You reside at tiruveLLakkuLam where people worship You. In this divya dESa live vaidikas of high repute which is due both to their strength of vEdic knowledge and physical might (it is said they drove away the foes from the battlefield).

kAnAr karikombadu oSittakaLirE
nAnAvahai nallavar manniya nAngoor |
tEnArpozhil Soozh tiruveLLakkuLattuL
AnAi aDiyEnukku aruL puriyAyE ||

kaLirE! You pulled out the tusk of the huge wild mad elephant, kuvaLayApeeDa You reside in nAngoor where vaidika brAhmaNas live who are proud of their virtues due to lineage and learning etc. Oh! My black elephant! You are in tiruveLLakkuLam which is a beautiful city with blooming trees full of honey. emberumAn! You should bless me with mercy.

kAnAr kari—kuvaLayApeeDa is an elephant reared in kamsa’s palace. But AzhwAr says he is a wild forest elephant. The idea is though he is a domestic elephant he was very wild, and mad angry one like a forest animal.

vEDAr tiruvEngaDam mEya viLakkE
nADAr puhazh vEdiyar manniya nAngoor |
SEDAr pozhil Soozh tiruveLLakkuLattAi
pADA varuvEn vinaiyAyina pATTrE ||

Oh! The light of tiruvEngaDam! Oh! tiruveLLakkuLattAi! You reside in this divya dESa which is surrounded by thick forests and resided by world famous vaidikas. I came here singing Your praises and worshipping You in the hope that You will remove my sins.

In the 1-10-1 also AzhwAr suggests the idea that who is in tiruveLLakkuLam is in tiruvEngaDam.

kallAl kaDalai aNai kaTTi uhandAi
nallAr palar vEdiyar manniya nAngoor |
SelvA tiruveLLakkuLattu uraivAnE
ellA iDarum keDumAru aruLAyE ||

Oh! rAma! You felt happy on building a bridge across the vast sea to cross lankApuri with the help of vAnaras who brought whatever boulders they could put their hands on. Oh! selva! You reside in tiruveLLakkuLam of tiru nAngoor where good vaidikas well versed in vEdas and SAstras live. Oh! emberumAn! Please remove my samsAra duhKa.

kOlAl niraimEitta emkOvalarkOvE
nAlAhiya vEdiyar manniya nAngoor |
SElAr vayalSoozh tiruveLLakkuLattuL
mAlE envalvinai teertu aruLAyE ||

Oh! kOvalar kOvE! You revealed You soulaBya guNa by grazing the sheep with a staff in Your hand roaming all over the forests. You did this out of love for them. Oh! tiruvellakkulattuL mAlE! Please show me Your compassion on me and remove my sins. Are You not in this divya dESa –where vaidikas well versed in all vEdas live and where fields are full of crops and fish—for us folks to worship You?

vArAhamudAhi immaNNaiyiDandAi
nArAyaNanE nallavEdiyar nAngoor |
SeerArpozhil Soozh tiruveLLakkuLattuL
ArAvamudE aDiyErku aruLAyE ||

nArAyaNa! You lifted the Boomi from the aNDa Bitti who was thrown there by the asura. ArAvamudE! You reside in tiruveLLakkuLam of tiru nAngoor where vaidikas live and where the city is beautified by beautiful gardens. AzhwAr requests BagavAn to bless him who is His dAsa.

poovAr tirumAmahaL pulhiyamArbA
nAvAr puhazhvEdiyar manniya nAngoor |
dEvA tiruveLLakkuLattu uraivAnE
AvA aDiyAnivanenru aruLAyE ||

Oh! emberumAn! In whole tirumArbu periya pirATTi rests forever! Oh! dEva! You reside in tiruveLLakkuLam of tiru nAngoor where there live vaidikas of world wide renown who are eulogized by all. emberumAn! You should consider me as a fit person fro Your compassion and mercy and say ‘Alas! Alas! This AzhwAr is unfortunately immersed in the samsAra sAgara. Let Me lift him up’ and do anugraha to me.

In this same tirumozhi, AzhwAr has mentioned this divya dESa is like tirumalai.

nammAzhwAr has said ‘ahalahillEn iraiyum enru alarmEl mangai urai mArbA’. The same idea is expressed by tirumangai AzhwAr as ‘poovAr tirumahaL pulhiya mArba’.

nallambuDai vEdiyar manniya nangoor
Selvan tiruveLLakkuLattu uraivAnE |
kallin malitOL kaliyan SonnamAlai
vallarena vallavar vAnavar tAmE ||

He is the selvan who resides in tiruveLLakkuLam of nAngoor where virtuous brAhmaNa live forever. These pASuras are sung by tirumangai AzhwAr as a garland of words. Those who read them will be praised by others as great men who are well versed in such great pASuras. They will join the group of nitya sooris in paramapada after their death.

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